Evoking the Profane with Creativity
“Riding to Hell” is part of a series of collaborative beer labels between Black Bottle and the Red Cap Society brewery, based in Balneário Camboriú, SC. This project, unprecedented in Brazil, included three horror-themed labels, one of which was for the Doppelbock named “Riding to Hell.” The series stood out for both the quality of the beer and the artwork on the labels, which were widely accepted and praised by opinion leaders in the beer industry.
black bottle
red cap society
Third chapter of our collaboration, in the same horror vein, this can features a hallucinated escape by Larry, the Red Cap Society's mascot, braving hell riding a goat. Following the line of illustration with few colors and a dirtier characteristic feature, with straight and heavy lines, this label closes our series with a flourish. A project that opened doors for us and was highly praised by the Red Cap public.